Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Best Home Builder Shows in Vegas

The Best Home Builder Shows in Vegas
2/5/14 From Concept to Reality

Strategies for a Profitable Project

2/6/14 Increase Your 50+ Market Share

by Winning Sales from the Resale Market

2/7/14 Best in Building Program

How To Increase Sales Revenue and Reduce Unnecessary Costs

What do Las Vegas, IBS & BIB all have in common?

The most success driven home builders, sales & marketing professionals and Bob Schultz will all be there.

The most important industry information is ready for you in just a few short weeks. I am honored to be presenting at my 29th consecutive NAHB Convention - IBS. A special message for those of you who invest the time and money to attend, but find that an hour or so of education and strategy sessions are just not enough. B.I.B - An intense and extended seminar, workshop and interactive sessions: The ROI on your time and participation will be immeasurable. Stay and join your peers.

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