Whatever your grandkids face in the future, you can now whip out the ultimate trump card and tell them “Aye laddie, you ain’t seen nothing my little whippersnapper; I went through the recession of 09, so stop you’re winging!”
(For some reason, I think in the voice of Mrs. Doubt Fire when I think about talking with my pretend grandkids, very strange!)
So now that 09 is behind us, it is time to focus and start planning for a more prosperous future. As Bob Schultz teaches there are four main levels for individuals and companies to strive. These are:
Now that we have survived, those of us still in Real Estate sales need to ensure stability, by refusing to panic and implementing the essential systems and processes. Once we have accomplished this then success beckons, and unlike the success that may have been built on the false optimism of an investor driven bubble, we need to develop real sales skills, that will cause us to be successful through both good times and bad. Once you are satisfied that you and your company is successful then you need to look further forward and ask yourself “What is your legacy going to be?”, and how can you create significance.
Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of invention”, so I am saying, “Adversity is the mother of re-invention.” The individual sales people, managers and owners across North America (and even as far away as Australia), that we have had the privilege of working with this year, who in spite of the economy have been successful; all have the same traits in common. Namely they are self motivated and refuse to rest on their laurels or talk about past glories. Instead, these salespeople and managers have buckled down and worked harder then ever with us on the correct sales processes and systems. Role playing has been embraced with more passion than I have even seen before. Owners have looked at their product, renegotiated with their trade partners and come out with products that represent Real Value, and have been selling many homes as a result.
As any one who reads this blog knows, my focus is not on myself but the success of our students worldwide. What puts a spring in my step and motivates me is YOUR success. Past Sales Heroes, such as Amy Willey in Delaware who literally spent all summer converting approximately 50% of the customers walking in the door (Yes 1 out of 2, not a typo!), and then came to our new Home Sales Boot Camp (sm) to further hone her skills! Ingrid Prang with Minto in South Florida who after an hour long coaching call and strategy session with me sold an eight hundred thousand dollar condo the next morning on the customers (drum roll please) first visit! Craig Stevens, a builder in Wilmington North Carolina, who re-tooled his homes to give more value, continued to embrace training with his team, and ourselves and has had one of his best years ever. Ted Hardeen, Broker and Manager of Coldwell Banker Seacoast in the same market who led 14 Realtors who represent builders to our Boot Camp this year, because they recognize the importance of being the best at what they do and differentiating themselves from their competition. Or Sales Manager Scott Baughman in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, who was forced to let his highly, trained sales team leave due to the economy and went back out in the field himself. He rolled up his sleeves, works every weekend and using our system which he helped teach to his team for five years, has been selling six or seven homes a month ever since!
To these heroes and all of you out there working hard in sales offices around the globe, congratulations you have survived. But now it is time to focus, decide what you want in 2010, and create your Significant Future.
Here is a quick recap of the last quarter, along with a few tips and free downloads.
We had a great turnout for our training programs here in balmy Delray Beach Florida.
Here we are on our traditional Ice cream break at Ben and Jerry's.
Not only did Bob Schultz and myself cover Essential, Advanced and some Mastery level New Home Specialist processes and sales systems, we also had a workshop with NHS facilitator Millie Allen Eubanks, Time Management training with Charlie Scott of Woodland, O'brien and Scott, and an incredible motivational session with New York Times best selling author Jon Gordon. He and I are pictured below (I am the one in the tie). He is writer of The Energy Bus, The No Complaining Rule, and Training Camp, all incredible books.
We just set the dates for the next Boot Camp which will be May 4,5, and 6, and Serious Sales and Marketing Management on May 6, 7 and 8, 2010. Jon Gordon will be joining us again and we would love to see you there.
If you have any questions, including what you will learn, then please feel free to email me at; roland@newhomespecialist.com.
Here I am (Sporting my one winter sweater) with Mitchell who is doing a great job of demonstrating the homesite to myself and Mary Beth, and below Homer is asking me for the sale while still in the available home. Great Job to all of the team!.

After reviewng their video shops, we coached on the areas that the team needed to work on the most on. Since involvement was an area to work on, I had the team write down the various simple words or phrases we can use to involve our customers. Below Nancy is standing next to the board with 54 involvement questions, a new world record!
Lastly it wouldn't be my blog if I didn't have a few photos of my little lad Max. I truly couldn't imagine surviving this year if it wasn't for the support from all of our friends and colleagues around the country, but especially the love and affection of my wonderful family, and for that I am truly blessed and very grateful!
Please feel free to post comments and ask any questions.
Wishing you a relaxing holiday season with you and your loved ones, and an abundant, healthy and happy New Year!
Coach Roland
Max is adorable!!! Thank you for this Blog. I will follow.
Thanks for sharing. Like always, on the money and bang on on objective!
Nice brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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