Fortunately the good news continues, with many glimmers of hope in the economy, plus all sorts of success stories still streaming in from across the new home sales centers of North America. One of our jobs as new home sales professionals is to find the good news, and then inspire our customers both with our positive outlooks and the positive facts of how investing in one of our brand new homes will benefit them.
As well as showcasing success stories and learning from each other, in this blog we will also focus on the importance of role playing, or what we like to call "Simulated Selling(SM)" for sales professionals.
"An ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of preaching".
As much time as I spend teaching in classrooms and sales centers across the country, I firmly believe that true transformation only occurs when one immediately practices what one has heard
in class.
In the safe setting of a seminar its possible that everything sounds appealing, but the reality of remembering everything and being able to implement is probably remote. The temptation may be to pick and choose concepts sort of like a "smorgasbord", never really ingesting the essential processes and creating lasting growth and systemic change.
However the moment that you take the information and begin to role-play it, is when the processes start to become real, and the outcome will be quantum improvement in your sales skills and of course sales results. As the great Muhammad Ali said:
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
Muhammad Ali
I find as a trainer, that when I watch Mystery Video Shops with you and your team mates, (as a positive training tool!) it is obvious the areas that have been role-played and the areas that haven't. So with that in mind, here are some functional tips on how to role-play, and maximize the benefits You will find that when you role-play you will quickly find the areas that you are strongest in and can reinforce, and also realize the areas that you need the most help.
Dr. Covey says in "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" (I am writing a book called "The Seven Habits Of Fairly Effective People"...well, not really, that would just be silly!), that it takes 21 days of repetition to create or change a habit. That's why the gyms are often full up on the 2nd of January, but if you are not still going by the 23rd of the month then you haven't created the fitness habit yet.
In our profession many of us may work in communities where there is considerable down time between prospects. For me, I was often lucky if I saw any new prospects on a weekday during the steamy Florida summers. With that in mind, we need to set ourselves a schedule of healthy daily activities that will help us stay focused, and positive; as well as increasing sales.
In the last blog, we spoke about self-prospecting, this time we are discussing role-playing and practice. The other major daily activity or course should be a stringent Follow-Through(R) plan. All three of these activities should happen daily, after you have inspected your community, signage and models and gone through your Daily Franchise Checklist.
For a copy of the Daily Franchise Checklist, please email me at roland@newhomespecialist.com
Another optimum time to role-play would be during part of your regular sales meetings. In fact the role-plays should be assigned well in advance, and even posted on the office meeting schedule giving the role-player(s) plenty of time to prepare in advance.
For a copy of a Sales Meeting Agenda, please email me at roland@newhomespecialist.com
The third time to role-play would be one-on-one with your Sales Manager, or sales coach during a weekly visit. We firmly believe that a Sales Manager should spend approximately 70% of their time in the field with the sales team, where the real action is happening so role-playing would be a natural part of that visit.
KISS (Keep It Simple and Straightforward).
Therefore the first task you should undertake is to write out the complete sales presentation that would take place in the sales office before going to look at the models. If you have ever attended any of our programs we have the complete template for this in the module titled, "Your Five-Minute Drill(SM), Part IV - Simulated Selling(SM) Experience." It is also available as an accompaniment to our CD series, which we go into detail, on CD #5.
For any of you that have ever been in a play, or a movie it is the same process. Research shows that by writing out your lines yourself, they become embedded far more quickly in your grey matter. I had the good fortune to be speaking at a seminar, in which the widow of the legendary Oscar winning actor Anthony Quinn (Zorba the Greek, Guns of Navarrone etc.) was in the class. She confirmed that Anthony (to his friends) undertook exactly the same process we are discussing, where he would write out his lines and then bold certain words and phrases he wanted to stand out. If it's good enough for Anthony Quinn, it should be good enough for us!
Once you have written out your Simulated Selling(SM) sales presentation then you should learn it one segment at a time. For example:
Greeting, Discovery, Builder Story, Macro and Micro location, Community overview.
These five elements of learning, would then combine and become part of your "Seamless Sales Process(SM)".
There is an old phrase, practice makes perfect, this isn't true, as practice just makes permanent. Henry Longhurst said: "They say practice makes perfect. For the vast majority of golfers it merely consolidates imperfection."
So our goal as your coach is to help you realize your potential by practicing perfectly. As the famous football coach Vince Lombardi said:
So, if you are role-playing and it is not going well, then stop take a deep breath and do it over. You will find that by the second and third time of repetition, you will grow in confidence and become more and more self- assured. At New Home Sales Specialists(SM) we have no problem in being "unreasonable", when something so important as your career and long-term success are at stake.
Next work on your Model Demonstration skills. I have worked with many of you in great detail on this topic, and also discussed it my last blog but here is a brief overview:
- Take the floor plan of each model and number it in the precise order you want to demo.
- Begin with the outside and pick 5 features and benefits, then close it.
- Start with a wow, (usually through the front door) and have the customer experience it by asking an involvement question.
- "Go the light", create the biggest impact by going to a bright space as quickly as possible leaving smaller rooms to later.
- Make it personal by asking about their furniture placement.
- Spend plenty of time in the kitchen giving choices to gain involvement, and then let them know, "When we go back to my office I will be happy to make a note of that/price that out."
- Ask plenty of small involvement questions, remember the 48 second rule.
- "Close as you go", close each major space before you go to the next.
- Always close every home you are in. In the model simply ask "Is this the type of home you'd like own?" In the available home "Is this the home you'd like to own?"
- If you are not selling the model itself then practice saying "Let's' go look at homesites/available homes etc"; not do you have time or would you like you to go look at homesites.
Since the average human being can only focus for 48 seconds or less, practice sharing a feature and benefit and then capping it with an Involvement question every 48 seconds or less. Try to mix up the questions so they sound fresh, Such as:
"Do you have any questions before we begin the paperwork?"
You must have the right body language, which is sitting down with a pen in hand and the agreement exposed, so that I understand it is a serious business question.
The whole idea is to help you create the muscle memory for Real Closing. I once role-played the closing game with a delightful young man named Josh from Overland Park, Kansas, via video conference. At first I believe Josh was a little thrown off by my obstinacy, and the fact that he had to stretch way out of his comfort zone by asking me for the sale 5 times. Interestingly, later that day he had an appointment come back. He sat the gentleman down to recap and then asked for the sale. The customer said, no. Without flinching, Josh managed his objection and asked again. This went on four times and on the fifth request the customer went ahead with the purchase. He said to Josh that the deciding factor for him was Josh's self confidence and belief that this home was the best opportunity for him. The fact that Josh had practiced and role-played with me his coach, gave him the confidence with the customer to make the saIe. Aah, I hear a bell, as somewhere a closer just got their wings!
We have worked for many years with Ideal Homes in Norman, Oklahoma. The three managers Brian, Bill and Lane, are great implementer's of our systems and constantly keep their sales team accountable, with great effect. At the end of last year I was with them and we role-played The Closing Game. They now do that weekly with each sales person, and in the first three months of this year (2009!!!) they have already sold 107 homes!
Here is what Bill Flemming, one of the Sales Managers at Ideal Homes in Norman, Oklahoma just sent me about role-playing:
We just completed one of the most productive sessions with Roland Nairnsey we have ever had. Our sales team always learns so much from Roland and all of the professionals at New Home Sales Specialists(SM).
Role-playing is a must to stay ahead of the challenges that we face everyday in New Home Sales, especially with today’s challenging market conditions.
Bill Fleming, Brian Bergerson, Lane Slovecek
Division Managers-Sales, Ideal Homes, Norman, OK
Here is the very skilled and highly energetic sales team at Ideal Homes.
A few years ago when the market was heated up, people looked at me as though I was crazy because there were so many customers, that even asking for the sale once was sometimes a stretch! Now it is back to a more typical market where only those salespeople with these kinds of extreme closing skills will survive.
-Lance Armstrong
Do you think he was referring to riding his bike, or dating Cheryl? Hey, don't hate the player hate the game, I merely report the news!
Last month also took me to the charming city of Charlotte to work with the four divisions of Eastwood homes. A very succesful builder in the Carolina's, who has already had an incredible first quarter.

Here is a photo of some of the Eastwood team after the two and half day Smart Start(SM)
Our team is also working with them on a bi-weekly webinar series. So their team is truly serious about creating transformational growth.

The sales team is very ably led by Joy Coper in the light blue jacket and were extremely enthusiastic. The tall gentleman in the back is Homer Tyre, and he was one of the first people into Iraq when the War first started. He is a true hero, and to him the worst day in a sales office will never compare to what he has had to endure in the theatre of war.
Lastly, I was in St. Louis participating in a Homebuilders Association program with John Schleimer of Market Perspectives, Richard Elkman of Group Two and Stephen Moore of BSB Design. The subject was Making More Sales In 2009 And Positioning To Thrive Again In 2010.

The program was well attended and very well received. I had the pleasure of reuniting with many sales people, managers and owners whom I have enjoyed working with over the years.
Below is a picture of Cindy, Joann, and Kayla of Fulford Homes. They had attended our New Home Sales Boot Camp(R) in Florida, and then tracked me down at the St. Louis Program. At the New Home Sales Boot Camp(R), Joann, had been fearful of public speaking and she ended up Role-Playing with Bob Schultz himself, and earned a standing ovation from the one hundred plus attendees. (By the way, thanks for the ride back to the airport!)

Always enjoy spending time with you in the blog-o-sphere. Plenty of great material as usual for those who care to excel, and for those who just simply forgot the basics and need to see the success stories out there today.
Here in Davie, since January 11th, we’ve sold 9 inventory homes, +/- $8.7M, outselling our competition combined 3 to 1 and just about doubling our production of last year. With a new associate and whole new attitude that wraps its arms around every guest that we have, we just have to help them see that this IS the time to buy. Our return guest count, starting January 3rd went from 8 – 9 a week to 23, 28, 19, 21 a week, etc. It’s definitely perking out there and everyone should go to work every day expecting success.
All the best,
Don B. Lederman
Sales Manager
So Don and the two Kellies are my first group of Sales Heroes.
The second sales hero is someone who I know personally very well, and shockingly isn't even in New Home Sales (Not fair, I hear you cry!). That person is my sister (nepostism I hear you cry!), Victoria Piccirilli (Born Nairnsey), is one of THE most succcesful Mary Kay salespeople iin the whole country, and just received her second totally free brand new Cadillac. Here is a picture of Vicki and her lovely husband Robert, and my two adorable nephews Charlie and Robert.
Everything that we teach about treating your job as though you owned your franchise, from preparation to prospecting to closing skills to Follow-Through(R) is almost exactly the same with my sisters' daily regimen for success. Since I am older and was there the day she was born, needless to say I am very proud of her.
The importance of role-playing.
When to Role-play
How to Role-play
What to Role-Play
Honorable mentions to Joann Yanards, Todd Wiens, London Bay Sales team, Chris Dedora, and actual Sales Heroes status to
>Don B. Lederman and Kellie's Shaprio and Lievano.
> Victoria Piccirilli
Daily Franchise Checklist
Seven week Sales Meeting Agenda
email me at Roland@newhomespecialist.com
Finally one more photo of my little Max, who will be ONE-YEAR old on April 24th. Here he is on his first flight, to visit my other sister Abigail, in Huston. As you can see he is all smiles.
Have a great month of Happy Selling, and please keep sending me your success stories and great news.
Coach, Roland Nairnsey
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