Monday, February 2, 2009

Rise & Shine in 09 by Roland Nairnsey

PHOTO- Stephen Brooks owner of Grand Homes in Dallas, Texas heralding in the New year swimmingly! (More later)

Well here it is my first blog of this New Year. Welcome back to all of you loyal blog readers, and thank you so much for your positive feedback, it means a lot to me to know that this blog is helping salespeople across the world to increase sales at this incredibly difficult time.

First of all my humble apologies for not diligently writing this post every month. I will attempt to make it up to you this year. In the words of the great Bryan Adams, "Please forgive me”.

OK so what do we have in store for you? First of all I would like to continue to inspire you with real world selling strategies and techniques that will help you weather this temporary storm that has been so affectionately labeled “the global recession.” Secondly I would like to keep it personal with photos of you, teams from across North America, but would also like to go a little deeper with your own personal stories and photos. Plus this year I would like to, make this an open forum so if anyone has any questions (about new home sales, please!), I would love to answer them so all the readers may learn from each others questions.

This is the only interactive forum specifically designed for new home sales, (big USP* statement), so please enjoy, interact and tell all of your friends in our business about it so we can create the biggest, most impactful web-log in our industry.

So let’s get down to business: first a motivational message from your fearless leader, regarding this frightening economic environment. As we all know the reality is that things are tough, but as we like to say “perception is reality”, so since we can’t change the reality we can certainly impact our customer’s perception, and build the best possible case that now is the perfect time to buy. We can’t afford to worry about what we can’t control, and need to focus on what we can manage, namely our customers perception.

So the next time your customer says it’s a buyers market and they want to use is as an excuse for delaying action you need to response with:

Sales Person
“Yes, isn’t it great and at (Builder homes) we like to say it is a smart buyers market, in fact your buying power will never be stronger than it is right now,
can I show you what I mean?"

Then after causing them to fall in love with your home and unique one of a kind location we the need to sit the customer down and walk them through all of the benefits of investing now. Two huge reasons are incredible pricing opportunities and incredibly low interest rates, but we still have the chart for you to download so just email me at, and then personalize for your own selling situation.

The truth is that (just like many of you), this isn’t the first tough market, I have been through. I started selling real estate in 1983, hard to believe I know because I look so young, probably the botox talking (Just kidding about the botox, really!) and it was tough then, tough in 1989-91, and then really tough right after 9-11. I remember actually selling a home on the morning of 9-11, one of the saddest days in history, but my customers needed a brand new home, and I had to focus and help them acquire one.

Somehow, when we refuse to panic and buckle down and hone our selling skills we always come out of stronger and more effective. It is these tough markets, which creates GREAT salespeople. Like a regenerating of the forests this market will cause you to truly develop your closing persona’s, and come back stronger, and even take market share from your competitors who are panicking themselves out of business.

As I write this I am on a plane on the way to Vegas (easy now) for the International Builders show. I have the true honor and privilege of speaking at three programs; at all three of my programs I am discussing Closing. So for a change “What happens in Vegas, is not going to stay in Vegas”!

I will be offering free downloads, to cover topics such as:
  • How to create urgency, and the benefits of investing now

  • "Deal or no Deal, negotiating strategies" including:-

  • Negotiating checklist,

  • How to avoid negotiating over the phone,

  • Setting the customers expectation in writing for the counter proposal

  • 9 steps to maintain control of your sales process and the sale

  • 6 steps to manage objections and more!

So as a special reward for your blogging loyalty, I will make these downloads available to you without the expense of flying to Vegas. Please write to me at and I will give you the program password for the free downloads. If you would like the Cd's and DVDs that accompany the programs then please go to NAHB 's website and they will direct you how to acquire them.

Now for some travels and sales tips.

Recently I was in Dallas with Grand homes, as part of their ongoing educational new home sales curriculum we worked on Model Demonstration, with an eye to maximizing the customers involvement and make more sales. Here are some of the key tips:

  1. Start from the outside in. First the neighborhood then the front of the home.

  2. Number each floor plan, so you will know exactly where to stand and what to say.

  3. Always start through the front door to maximize impact.

  4. Go the lightest, brightest part of the home immediately to keep buying temperatures high.

  5. Make it personal, ask "How their furniture would work" or "How they would decorate?" specific spaces.

  6. Never use the words standard or extra, replace them with "included" (or "included luxury feature"), and "luxury choice".

  7. Make it memorable in a positive way. (Tap cabinets and counters, go outside etc.)

  8. "Be interested not interesting", ask lots of involvement questions, and focus on their hot Buttons.

  9. Ask at least 5 alternate choice questions, and when they respond, say: "I will be happy to make a note of/price that out when go back to my office." In under 45 seconds you just made an appointment to take them to the closing table.

  10. Always end in a wow location, somewhere emotional where you can ask for the sale.

  11. Always ask for the sale, simply saying "Is this the type of home you'd like to own?" or if it is the actual home then simply say "Is this the home you'd like to own?".

Below is another picture of Stephen Brooks with his sales team demonstrating #7 (make it memorable), to prove that "Grand Homes is the only builder in Dallas, giving away a free pool! I guarantee that none of us will ever forget it!

In fact here is a link to a TV ad that Mr. Brooks did, where at the end he actually jumps in the pool. Enjoy!

Click Here To Watch Video

After the guys at Grand, I went to London Bay Homes an incredible custom home builder, building homes from just over one million to over sixteen million dollars in the Naples and Sarasota area. We also role played model demonstration. Here are some pictures of us together.

Then it was off to the clement confines of Calgary, in Canada to work with the sales team at Jayman Masterbuilt. Even though the weather was a shocking 30 below, I couldn't have enjoyed myself more as the combined Calgary and Edmonton divisions are an utter delight to work with! We spent two long days working on our Fast Track program which includes, professional communication, five minute drill, model demonstration, closing and appointment setting.

Above is a photo of the Jayman team and also owner and industry legend Jay Westman with yours truly (I'm the one in the tie).


Now for our sales hero section. There are two special sales souls that immediately spring to my mind from the last few months. What they both have in common is an infectiously positive attitude, and an indomitable spirit that just never gives up.

Many years ago the Wall Street Journal had an article about the "BE THERE" theory, which logically stated that no matter where you are, you need to be there one hundred percent.

I couldn't agree more. When we are at work we need to be fully focused. My pet peeve are people who try to accomplish too much at once, and are either addicted to their "crack berries" or cell phones and are inadvertently ignoring their customers. As I like to say;

"There is no such thing as multi taking in new home sales, you are either focusing on your customer 100 percent, or blowing the sale."

The same thing applies when you go home, make sure you are focused on your loved ones 100 percent. They also deserve your undivided attention. If you don't have a family at home then focus on doing what makes you happy and indulge yourself, that way when you return to work you will feel refreshed and re-energized.

My first sales hero is Sharon Kochlefl of Remington Homes in the Chicago area. After finding herself with time on her hands she was able to fulfil a life long dream to have dancing lessons. Business has not been perfect for her, but she has found a way to find what it is that makes her happy, and this of course positively affects all of her life. This is part of an email she sent to me;

Good Morning Roland! I hope this email finds you doing well.
I spoke to Greg Sunday (Sales manager). I HAD to call and tell him I just wrote my 4th agreement in five weeks! ISN'T THAT AMAZING?!!!! As you can see, professionally I am doing well. Personally, I am having a great time as well. I attended my 40th H.S. reunion two wks. ago!!! (told you I was older than dirt) What a fun weekend that was. Thank goodness Mon. is one of my days off...ha-ha. Still dancing and enjoying every minute! Nov. 15th will find me doing a tandem routine at the Medal Ball. Two of the instructors asked if I would be game to dance with both of them, trading off in performing two different dances...West Coast Swing & the Hustle...two fun dances. Didn't take ANY convincing for this little "spitfire" as they call me.

As I truly believe, out of everything bad, comes something good...ALWAYS!!!!
I apologize for the length of my email. I DO realize you are a busy man.
Be well, my friend....
Sharon Kochlefl, Remington Homes

(Sharon with her dance instructor)

Another short excerpt from a Sharon email below:

Woo hoo ....SOLD 2 this week!!
"quota" has NEVER been good enough for me!!!
the dancin' queen at Remington Ridge

Sharon credits a lot of her success to her manager Hilary who is an absolute DRIVING FORCE,
and much of our success has come due to her constant motivation, support and spirit.

My second sales hero is Renise Mclean from Jayman Masterbuilt in Calgary, as well as having a great attitude (like her team mates), and being a great student of the sales process, she consistently is a top performer selling homes come rain, shine or in her case snow drifts. She often sends me positive little notes, so here is a short excerpt from an email along with a photo of Renise and her beloved charlie.

Dear Roland

Business is good, sold 5 this month so far.
Yesterday, I sold a house to a gentleman on the first visit. All because I didn't lose control. He purchased an available home here in Panorama. Very exciting!!!!!!!!!

Regards, Renise
Jayman MasterBUILT in Panorama Hills
Renise McLean- Area Sales Manager

Lastly, back by popular demand are a few photo's of my new baby son Max.

I know he is impossibly cute isn't he, even I do say so myself.

Please free to write to me with your stories or questions from the selling fields of new homes.

Stay focused and positive; and happy selling.

Coach Roland